
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Jewish Perspective: "SO... You want to be Torah Observant? -John J. Parsons


     The Jewish Network
    Why Do you Believe?          What Do you Believe?             How Do You Believe?              Who Do You Believe? 
    (Google "Natszal" )

    "The Jewish Perspective"

    "A viewpoint from a Jewish perspective who is a Chrstian"

    ("Yom Tov is Good Day)

    "Articles of Note"



    As we are ramping up the networks for their daily posts as well as certain days of the week highlighting that network, we wanted to mention The Jewish Perspective will feature the articles from John J. Parsons site. Because of the High Quality and extreme craftsmanship of the Hebrew4Christians Site we highly recommend visiting and being a part of that ministry in support and readership. With very very few actual legitImate Jewish Chrisitan sites that can be fully Christian and fully Jewish with Grace, this is one of the very few I personally can recommend without hesitation. 




    Yes! Jesus is Coming



    -The Classic Christian Network-  -Biblical Prophecy Today Network-  -Last Generation News Report-

     -Christian Issues Network-   -Last Call Devotional Network-   -Natzsal The Jewish Network-

         -Michael James Stone Online-


    The Biblical Christian Network is composed of Seven Networks. Posts releated to Biblical Prophecy appear only in Biblical Prophecy Network; etc.. Click on the Link above; At the top of the page of each Network there is a tab to see "alternative sites" if you cannot view the Home Network Page. Each Home Network Page has a 'specific Network Tab' and a "Biblical Network' tab exlplaining details. Each "Network" has a tab called "Content" to explain when new posts appear and what features are on that Network.

    If you looking for a specific area of interest; look for that Network.

    (upgrade is gradual, to be completed by May 1 2011)