
Friday, March 18, 2011

My Prayer: "Fail"

My Prayer

Weariness beseeches your children
Anxiety tears at thier soul
They would fight a thousand battle for you
Run a million miles
but God that hardest thing they cannot do for you
Is fail and fall inot your arms.
O God
How tender the the heart that finds the love you have for the broken hearted
the fallen saint
the humble spirit.
How great is your love for the one who has tried and failed
and failed again and again and again.
O God
Such love
such mercy
I love you.
That is why I love you.
Not for what I succeed in,
but what I fail.

Yom Tov: (Jewish Studies) Wednesday, March 18, 2011 11 Adar II, 5771 (Your Jewish Calendar)

 Wednesday, March 18, 2011   
Yom Tov
ערב טוב
Yom Tov in two words "Good Day" symbolize and embody the Scripture 
 "This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Since God created the day from the night in genesis and called it good, it is possible He might have looked at the day dawning and said: "Yom Tov"
-Eben Micha'el Ya'akov ben Avraham-
                              Dedication of Herod's Renovated Temple (11 BCE)

After 334 years, the 2nd Holy Temple in Jerusalem (see "Today in Jewish History" for Adar 3) was in disrepair. In the year 19 BCE, King Herod I floated the idea of rebuilding and renovating the Temple. Though many Jews were wary of Herod’s motives, the renovation was completed eight years later. The new structure was magnificent, causing the Talmud to state: "He who has not seen Herod's edifice has not seen a magnificent edifice!"