
Monday, March 8, 2010

One Thousand Years: "Meeting a Biblical Legend" (Chp 1:2)

One Thousand Years


"Meeting a Biblical Legend"

(Chp 1:2)

He enjoyed the fact that water was finally returning to barren places. Some more returning more quickly than others, like his lake. It had been awhile.  He recalled when this lake was no more than a rock shelf without any water in it. 

Sixty years later he had a lake. Shallow lake to be sure, but still a body of water where once there had been none. Being that it was within walking distance Eben walked to the lake.

 Not long till dawn,

       He thought with water dripping from him.

Splashing water on his face was a great wakeup call.  Eben did so every morning before dawn. He liked to take this time to walk the short distance to the lake. It was a good time to be alone with his thoughts. Morning routines were a lot different now in the Kingdom for Eben. No more “getting ready” to meet the day. It was, ready or not, here I come. Each day a greeting of what experiences lay ahead. 

No dread, just looking ahead.

Eben met the days with anticipation. A morning “splashdown” helped refresh that thought. Shaking his face a little from the water, he combed his beard with his fingers. Stroking his beard he tossed his wet head of hair back smiling at the sky. He was a little bemused by the water running down his beard to the ground.

Didn’t Aaron tell him he had oil run down his beard and that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

Thinking of all that oil that would have been dumped on Aaron, Eben looked at the face of the waters of the lake and thought. That would have been olive oil. A lot of olive oil.  A lot of olive oil poured over his head and running down his beard. Enough oil running down to form a pool at his feet.

Eben shivered. 

Hmmm, that would make it the first oil slick wouldn’t it?

Fortunately Eben thoughts were private, more or less, but once started, you never knew where they would go. Still thinking along those lines as water rushed off his hair and beard he considered,

Would that make Aaron the first greaser? How……,

At the thought of the word “ironic” Eben paused.

He recalled the time he had met “the Aaron[1]”. He remembered hisfaux pas when he tried to ‘act’ less in awe of the man.  He had tried to comment on how aaronic it was playing on the word “ironic”…., and…, he had failed miserably. SO BAD was his comment he couldn’t recall what he said.  But he remembered how Aaron had stared at him ‘not getting’ the humor of it.

Eben finally blushed and shut up.

It wasn’t the first time Eben had “blown it” in meeting someone from the Bible. 

It certainly wouldn’t be his last. Something about generational, cultural, even “faith” gaps were evident when one started talking without thinking first. Since so many people came from a different setting and mindset, communication was interesting. Not to mentions the “ages” differences.  Different also with the variety of personalities represented. A lot of people, including Eben, had to learn to “choose” their words wisely since not every word meant the same thing to everyone involved.

Politically correct became less than that. It wasn’t about image here.  But more along the lines of words meaning what words were saying. What the words were; what the words meant. No one in his day every meant what they said, but in some places, words were all you meant. Now it the Kingdom of THE WORD…Well.

No innuendo’s or implied meaning. No subtleties or double meanings. If you said yes, it really did mean yes.  No question about it. The rest was adaptive. Everyone had a different way of looking at things. This was about telling someone else how you looked at it from your point of view. Literal now was genuinely literal. If you said yes or no you better mean it.

Your Word was your Word.

At least that was what was being taught in the Kingdom. Of course the teachers were still learning that “truth” too. They like everyone else had to learn a new attitude. A new way to think; a better way to respond; a more accurate way to arrange your speech. It made for some interesting conversations. 

The learning curve had plenty of time to level out with a thousand years or so to go. For Ancients[2]change came easy, for those born into the Kingdom it was all they knew. For everyone it was a matter of course and came as natural as learning to walk and talk.

But the Survivors…,well….,  that was a different story.

They had a complete set of issues all their own.

Learning communication and adapting to the Kingdom seemed to be challenging for them. Eben sometimes would rather talk to someone long dead, buried then resurrected than talk to those who had survived alive to enter the Kingdom of God by living through the Great Tribulation[3].

They just seemed to have this wild idea, sixty years later, that they were the head of the class being the last generation.

They were too smart or “intelligent” to realize they were back of the bus when it came to learning how to communicate correctly. Almost all Survivors had presumed their way was the “right” way. Some not only thought their way was the right way but almost acted as if it was the only way. Never mind the obvious, they had their way and of course, it was the only way.

Regardless of the challenges, they were learning to adapt, just slower than all the rest. Those who thought to be so wise were allowed to keep thinking that even if no one else agreed with them. Survivors were an obstinate lot, some said stiff necked.

Opposite to that were the Elders from the Scriptures.  It was pretty amazing looking at an ancient ancestor. One of those heroes of the faith, or characters from the Bible, long dead before, but now alive in the Kingdom.  

Inspiring till some of the illusions of imagining what they were like in real life wore off. They were different than what one wanted them to be or imagined how they would act. Imagination was often greater than observation of a person in day to day living.

Most ideas were like that. Idealistically they were great men and women come from Bible Times.

In your imagination they could appear to be bigger than life. After all they were Heroes of the Faith. Stories were told about them. Myths and legends had grown up around them. They were bigger than normal life after all. They were “ALL CHRIST-LIKE HEROES”.
                                                                 “Yeah right”
Thought Eben combing his beard with his fingers.              
The one to one interaction of everyday life in the everyday world was often left out of the “stories”. Sometimes they were included too, but no one paid that close attention to. It was obvious everyone had been a sinner at one time…..everyone.

The reality was the image of the person in one’s mind was easier to believe in than the person in flesh and blood. The idea of who that person was might be a lot greater than the person could actually be in person.  Sometimes it was hard to believe that these “saints” were just people too. It was too easy to have attached hopes of creating them into in image rather than a fact.

A fact that they were people with feelings and emotions. They had successes and failures like everyone else. That was hard to swallow. It was easier to want them to be bigger than life. At least till you met with them a few times. When you got to know them better it was easier to accept them as they are. Begin to meet with them personally and see how they dealt with this New Life. Share with them common experiences. Then it was good to enjoy them for who they really were. Appreciate the person that they were and see the being they were becoming.

Trying to relive their past life as you interpreted it compared to the life the person remembered, well, that was like trying to put the baby back in the womb, it just didn’t fit grown up.

That was when the heroic came out of the fantasy.

Dealing with that taught Eben to watch his tongue and keep his hero worship in check.

Eben learned the hard way to keep quiet, sort of. It was challenging to keep the hero worship down at times. Inspiration was where you found it, or He found you. Eben was easily inspired by the drop of a famous name or the song of a seagull, even the whispering in the breeze.

Singing often inspired him. When Aaron had led the singing with the Song of Moses[i] back “in the Day”. Eben was immediately awe struck, temporarily. He just stood there with his mouth open till some of those marching through Jerusalem almost trampled him. He quickly got in step and sang too.

When it came time to sing the Song of Limmud, Aaron was first in line to sing with Eben picking up the words on the second time through. Songs were sung three times when led by the 144,000.  In order to familiarize, four more times were often sung by others with styles and variances mixed in. It made for quite choir as somehow even the variations harmonized in the Kingdom. There were a lot of singers here. Elvis certainly was in the building and singing was a national past time here. Everyone liked to sing, harmony came natural

Apparently Aaron liked to sing, so did Eben.  

Eben had thought to comment to Aaron once on the golden calf incident making a joke about loving to party, but having already made one dumb mistake, he wasn’t about to confound it with two. Much later he told others of his thoughts and attempts at humor.

They didn’t laugh either. Of course this didn’t slow Eben down, he laughed loud enough, long enough and deep enough for three people, maybe four.  Of course when it came to the hero worship, he never told the people he met what he had previously thought of them. It was a little embarrassing to admit how elevated an idea of them could ruin a good friendship with them.

For Eben it was a good idea not to bring up the past too much.

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(link will appear here later)

Poor Christians Almanac is bringing you this book Free of Charge. It is hoped you ejoy it. If you do, please consider donating any amount to the Author. Once you have finished reading the book presented in sections, there will be a link in place to donate directly to the Author.

All Writers with Poor Christian, will allow you to read their complete manuscript as they continue writing them.
Some are published, some are works in progress, all are complete.

In email format it is for your enjoyment. It is hoped you donate to the work, livelihood, and ministry of each Author presented or book.  This is your way to support the Author and the work they do. If you do not like the book after reading it, don’t send a donation.

This is your way to support them and the work they do.

[1] Aaron brother of Moses recorded in the Bible. First High Priest of Israel. Starter of the Aaronic priesthood, a Levite.
[2] Ancients, familiar name for Previous heroes of the faith and bible.
[3] Great Tribulation described by Jesus and written in Book of Daniel and Revelation of the Bible.

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Song of Limmud" (Chp1:1)

One Thousand Years


"Song of Limmud"

(Chp 1:1)

Song of Limmud
All I have Seen,
All I have Heard.
All I have Handled
All I have Walked

    Do you see what I have seen?
                                           Do you hear what I have heard?
  Do you walk where I have walked?
Do you know what I have known?

What have you Seen?
What have you Heard?
What have you Held?
Where have you Walked?

I will see what you have seen.
I will hear what you have heard.
I will walk where you have walked.
I will know what you have known.

Look but See.
Hear but Listen.
Think but Understand.
Walk and Consider.
                                                    May you Know, What I Know.
-Song of Limmud[i]
Circa 2 KA[1]

Song of Limmud
Eben was humming. It wasn’t his habit to hum, but this morning he was humming. He was happy. He wasn’t happy every day, but generally he liked to think he was happy most of the time. Days like today he was happy. Humming showed it. Some days were just real hummers.

The tune he was humming was familiar; familiar like trying to name that tune. The melody of a song you thought you knew but just couldn’t remember the words. A silly song really; a song that once you remembered the tune and the words you couldn’t get it out of your head.  Lyrics that kept repeating themselves, over and over again, replaying in your mind.  It just so happened, Eben liked this song. He didn’t think this song was silly either.

All I have seen, all I have heard…,

Eben  hummed  the words to himself. If you hadn’t heard the song he was humming, it might have been strange. An odd kind of melody with unique words attached.  But nearly everyone had heard the Song of Limmud; At least nearly everyone alive and well and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that is.

  It was one of the Songs of the 144,000.[2]  While in this part of the land, they had sung this song more than once, some places it was no so prevalent.  It didn’t mean everyone remembered it, but at least to most it was familiar.  While once was not enough to remember, twice was a better chance to retain a catchy tune. Songs of the 144,000 were always sung three times. There was a reason why, and like most things in the Kingdom, there was a reason and purpose for everything being done the way they were.

Three times was like a lucky charm. Only luck had nothing to do with it. Once was sung as unto the Father; Twice was sung as unto the Son; Thrice was sung as unto the Spirit. Never was song sung blue, but song sung in the Kingdom was worth repeating. Repeating to the Father Son and Spirit that is; always good to cover your bases.

This particular song was one of Eben’s favorites. He could recall lots of songs the 144,000 had sung so far, but he liked this one the best.  Ever since the first time he heard it he thought it had great meaning for his life. Somehow it just fit. Seemingly attaching itself to him; He recalled sixty nine years ago when he came to Jerusalem. It was quite a day back then. That was the first time he heard the song sung. In fact He heard it sung three times. Today though he was just humming it; Getting ready for his meeting with the other members of his community. Sixty-nine years after the fact, he was still singing that song, the Song of Limmud       .
               Who would have thought that heaven was all about singing and so little about speaking?
Eben mused as he walked from his house to the lake to freshen up.           
Thinking about his visit to heaven sixty-nine years ago reminded him that no matter where you went, there you were, in heaven.  There you were in the midst of song and there you are music going on. Where ever you were, it was heaven. Non-stop it was the language of heaven; singing that is.  At that Eben smiled for a moment recalling the Old World Ideas about the “heavenly language”.
So many wanted it to be a tongue, others wanted it to be a language, some ancients had said it was a power, few realized it was song. From incontrollable utterances, to babblings or ramblings in many vernaculars; there certainly had been way too many divisions and strife for modern man to have the final answer on what was going on in heaven.
Hell maybe but heaven?
It was a lot more peaceful than that.  If he couldn’t come up with one translation of the bible everyone agreed on, he certainly had no idea what was happening in heaven. The tower of Babel would have been surprised had it gotten close enough to hear singing. Maybe they would have joined in, maybe not.
                       Eben chuckled.         
The Truth was far simpler than anyone had imagined.
           “Rather than argue… if they had just sung about it they would have gotten the “Big Picture”.
     Eben laughed thinking about old ways, old days, and wrong ideas. He had done much the same thing with his own ideas of how it would be like till he got there.
Once he got there, it wasn’t a surprise he was wrong.
At first he was too busy taking it all in.
Looking back now, he was about as accurate as everyone else had been; not at all.  Heaven was certainly an experience he would not soon forget. Mind blowing to say the least and in the old expression, it was the ultimate trip.  Certainly there was no way to really describe a different dimension.
No matter where you went in heaven, there you were…, in heaven.
He might have said it was….heavenly… but the lake was close by and he arrived at it interrupting his thoughts.

Read the Book first, if you like, Donate, if not, don’t !
(link will appear here later)

Poor Christians Almanac is bringing you this book Free of Charge. It is hoped you ejoy it. If you do, please consider donating any amount to the Author. Once you have finished reading the book presented in sections, there will be a link in place to donate directly to the Author.

All Writers with Poor Christian, will allow you to read their complete manuscript as they continue writing them.
Some are published, some are works in progress, all are complete.

In email format it is for your enjoyment. It is hoped you donate to the work, livelihood, and ministry of each Author presented or book.  This is your way to support the Author and the work they do. If you do not like the book after reading it, don’t send a donation.

This is your way to support them and the work they do.

One Thousand Years: Genesage 1B (Recap)

I saw the souls of them
For the Witness of Jesus.
I saw the souls of them
For the Word of God.
They had Not
Worshipped the Beast.
They had Not
Worshipped his Image.
His Mark was Not
Upon their Foreheads.
His Mark was Not
In their Hands.
They Live and Reign…,

One Thousand Years


Seventy Years have passed since the ‘End of the World’ and the Beginning of the Kingdom. A lot has changed for the people who lived through the Tribulation Period. Culture Shock, Post Traumatic Tribulation Stress Disorder (PTTSD’s) have come and gone with the Survivors having children and the children growing up. New Relationships for.  Shocking to the Survivors of the Old World is to discover their children think of their world as myths and legends.

Eben Abram one of the “Raptured” enjoys his quiet time as the heyday of the early “survival mode” of the people he cares for gives way to a peaceful time. He prepares them to go out into the World. Teaching his community he reflects on his own life and what it is like for him as he lived day to day in this New World in the Kingdom Age.

Delilah a Survivor of the Old World discovers love can blossom in this new age but dare she follow her heart or rely on her knowledge of the Old World as she goes forward in living in this Kingdom?

The Household of Mormon discovers there may be more to the Chronicles of Narnia than they thought and can religious themes replay themselves over again in the Kingdom? What is the House of Allah doing here?

Ex-wife meets ex-husband and discovers that not only is he in the Kingdom, but so is his “other” ex. Will they get along? Who is married to whom? How can imperfect people live in a perfected world?

The “Secret” society of the Brethren once formed to preserve “Old World” knowledge, splinters into another group devoted to “acting” upon that knowledge. What directions are they headed?

Though death is rare, one of Eben’s closest friends passes away and the entire community is affected.

Children of the Kingdom, the first generation born to the Survivors, begin to discover certain abilities they have being born in the Land Of New Yisrael, where Old Israel had been.

Another insight is revealed about the mysterious One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand. Some brief descriptions are given of the changes that have come upon the World as a whole and the “Promised Land.”

Excitement begins to build as the Survivors know it is only a matter of time till they leave the cities they have lived these seventy years and venture out into the rest of the world. Some prepare to build a new nation, others have personal agendas.  No one knows for certain what is “out there.”

Heroes from the Bible, Great Historical Figures, everyday people with conflicted ideas of How God Should have ordered this Kingdom Time all meet together in the epic adventure of a generation that can live a thousand years. Questions thought unanswerable are resolved as generation after generation experiences what it is like to live in the World God intended for man.                 A world where Jesus Reigns:

One Thousand Years

Is man ready to live in it?