
Monday, January 10, 2011

GraceThruFaith: Weekly -Jack Kelley

Welcome To GraceThruFaith!

About Our Format.  Next to the clean look, the thing you’ll like best is how easy it is to navigate and search our site.  All posts, whether an article or the answer to a question, are listed on the home page with the newest first so you can browse down to find any you’ve missed. And that’s not all. Continue Reading…

The 70 Weeks Of Daniel

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Many believe that Daniel 9:24-27 is the most important passage of prophecy in all of Scripture. Almost every mistake I’ve run across in studying the various interpretations of End Times Prophecy can be traced back to a misunderstanding of this passage. Let’s begin the year with an updated and expanded study of this important prophecy.

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Seven Major Prophetic Signs Of The Second Coming

Commentary by Jack Kelley

10th Annual Update January 2011

There are seven major prophetic signs of the Second Coming, and currently all of them are in some stage of fulfillment.  As in years past, I’ll list the seven with their primary biblical references and offer commentary from current events.

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Who Is The Fleeing Remnant?

Q. If Israel is God’s chosen people and the Messianic Jews are those who have admitted they were sinners and have accepted Christ, then who will be the remnant saved in Petra?

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The Enchanter

Q. My question is on Satan and the Garden of Eden. “The Serpent” told Eve it was OK to eat of the tree. Then she does and God puts a curse on the Serpent. He says, “Because thou has done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and and above every beast of the Field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life” (Gen. 3:14). So before the curse he was some thing other than what we recognize as a snake. Any ideas of what he may have looked like?
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Is He A Healer?

Q. There’s a man in my church (Southern Baptist) who knows when someone is hurting in a particular area of their body.  He can announce to the group that someone has a pain in some area of the body and when someone acknowledges that pain and  wants prayer for healing he prays for them and the pain goes away right then.  He claims to get pain in the same part of his body and that’s how he knows that someone else is hurting too.  How do you explain this to the church and where is the scripture to back up what is going on?  This man says sometimes God reveals  who  is hurting to him but not very often.  Is this biblical?

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Who’s Speaking In Proverbs 8, Follow Up

Q. In response to your answer to the question about Proverbs 8 ,  how can we explain Proverbs 8:22-31 as referring to Jesus when Jehovah’s Witnesses use this to try to say that Jesus was created (as the Archangel Michael) by Jehovah God?

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Prophecies Of The Temple’s Destruction

Q. Did the Apostles write anything about the temple being destroyed?  I know Jesus mentions that the temple would be destroyed and raised up in three days.  Also, do you think Matthew 22:7 is a prophecy of the temple being destroyed?   If they did write something to indicate that, were there any Jewish writings in existence indicating that the Christian writings of the Apostles concerning the destruction of the temple had been fulfilled?  Surely they must have been astonished?

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Sin In The Millennium, Follow Up

Q. In reference to dealing with sin in Millennium–I ‘m not sure there will be sin during the millennium, certainly Satan’s demonic spirits will be at work trying, but since Satan is bound during this time I believe the people living then are able to resist sinning.  When Satan is released for a short while at the end I believe the ones he goes to gather are his demons who have been trying but failing to accomplish this.   They are the number as the sands of the sea that gather to do final battle.

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Abram And The Kings Of Sodom And Salem

Q. My question is from Genesis 13-14 with Abram and Lot.  After he rescued Lot, Melchizedek, priest and king of Salem and the king of Sodom meet Abram.  For what purpose are Melchizedek and the king of Sodom together?  Sodom was wicked and full of great sinners and  Melchizedek was the priest of God and also the king of Salem.  Why were a king of such a sinful and wicked city and a king and priest of God together like that when God could easily have made their meetings separate with the same outcome?